Type of product Rearsets and reverse shift kits (3) Clip-on handlebars, Clip-ons (3) Protection elements and protectors (87) Brake and clutch levers (20) Brake lines (3) Caps – gas / oil / brake fluid (17) Chain adjuster (4) Captive wheel spacers (3) Spare parts (2) Other parts (8) Advanced filter Recommended TOP From the cheapest The cheapest From the most expensive The most expensive 29 items Rearset Yamaha R1 (2015-2019) €455.00 / pc Rearset Yamaha R1 (2015-2019) with reverse shifting €455.00 / pc Set for reverse shifting Yamaha R1 (2015 - ) €150.00 / pc Motorcycle clip-on handlebars Ø 50 mm, type Sport from €177.00 Motorcycle clip-on handlebars Ø 50 mm, with adjustable grip inclination, type AG from €188.00 Motorcycle clip-on handlebars Ø 50 mm, with adjustable grip inclination, Offset 12mm,black, type AGO €220.00 / pair ALUMINIUM ALLOY Case Savers Yamaha R1 (2015 - 2023) €260.00 / pair ALUMINIUM ALLOY Clutch Cover Yamaha R1 (2015 -), MT10 (2016-2018) €272.00 / pc Clutch lever, Part Nr.2010 from €83.00 Brake lever, Part Nr.2038 from €83.00 Chain adjuster for Yamaha R1 (20215-2023) from €99.00 Gas Cap with thread YAMAHA from €83.00 Quick Release Gas Cap - YAMAHA €100.00 / pc Crash protectors Yamaha R1 (2015-), Yamaha MT10 (2016-) from €60.00 Levers protectors – set for brake and clutch levers from €112.00 Lever protector from €66.00 Rear Axle Sliders Yamaha from €62.00 Front Axle Sliders Yamaha from €62.00 Captive wheel spacers, R1 (2015-) from €41.00 Brake Line Front , Yamaha R1/15-24, R6 17-24 €129.00 / pc Brake Line Rear , Yamaha R1, 15 - 19 €39.00 / pc Brake sensor M10 x 1,25, Part Nr. BC125 €21.00 / pc Race Stand Stoppers from €31.00 Caps for fluid tank M33 x 4 (inner diameter 30 mm) from €17.00 Caps for fluid tank M52 x 4 (inner diameter 49 mm) from €17.00 Oil filler caps M26 x 3 from €17.00 Triple tree upper nuts M28 x 1 from €15.00 Set of fairing washers €21.00 / pc Dashboard protection I2M CHROME LITE / PLUS / PLUS 2 / PRO / PRO 2 €238.00 / pc